Discovery of the First Sacred Language: Fact or Fiction?
By Steven & Evan Strong
In 1939, two men spent a great deal of time trying to come to grips with what one of those men – Frederic Slater, President of the Australian Archaeological and Education Research Society – claimed to be Australia’s “Stonehenge.”According to Slater, this ancient complex formed “the basis of all knowledge, all science, all history and all forms of writing, which began in numeration.”
At this stage of proceedings, every claim made by Slater and his colleague (whose name we cannot supply as it would give too many clues in relation to the site’s location), bar one, has been addressed in my previous articles, and in many cases substantiated beyond reasonable doubt.
What We Know So Far
The smaller mound is not natural and nor are the materials selected to construct. It was a sacred burial site reserved for the most spiritual and revered, which was intuitively sensed by Originals and non-Originals alike, and confirmed by Slater’s notes and his co-workers description of “thrice bent man” – and another form of elaborate internment of which we are unfamiliar. The sandstone rocks (which will number in the thousands once our investigation is complete) were not part of the local geology, and the obvious shaping and worked edges of many of these rocks was achieved with tools and technology that were not supposed to be a part of any Original tool-kit.
Interpretations aside, these are facts supported by the geology and archaeology on site. The bona fides of the many references to “terraces,” made by academics and supported by the local farmer, is a little less concrete, but to deny the construction of the terraces, the farmer and both academics have to be lying. I have met the farmer responsible; the other two gentlemen died and I cannot vouch for their character, but I have absolutely no doubt the farmer is desperate for the truth to be unveiled. I know for a fact he is too honourable a man to deceive or lie, and because of his undoubted integrity, it is with greatest confidence we place the existence of terraces into the ‘absolute fact’ category.
So too the existence of carved “letters” or symbols. Some of our group saw markings on the rocks that looked decidedly artificial, but since the women who were responsible for recording the rocks were denied permission to move or even touch them (due to Original custom), more investigation by the men is required, and will take place the next time on site. In the meantime, as it was with the terraces, both academics and the farmer acknowledge seeing many inscriptions on the rocks. Slater often goes into great detail in both identifying individual letters from the Sacred Language, and supplying definitions that resonate to a repeating esoteric theme. “It is the letter k – the 7th letter of the letters alphabet. Means a seed – the germ of life.” For exactly the same reason given when discussing the credentials of terraces, we also accept as fact the existence of an Original alphabet and accompanying symbols.
But the last claim attributed to this complex, that this is the first and most Sacred Language created by modern humans, and that Slater was able to correctly translate this ancient mystical script, is a much more difficult assignment. We found nothing on site that validated Slater’s hypothesis, but off site was a different story.
The First Sacred Language?
I intend to present six pieces of evidence, some circumstantial, others have a solid archaeological base and one comes from a place and inspiration that is timeless. Undeniably, nothing in this particular case can give a definitive answer. But nevertheless, the culmination of so many corroborating divergent sources, all leading to the same possible conclusion, leaves alternatives outside of Slater’s claims in short supply.
First up, upon first reading Slater’s claims that this complex is a testimonial to the First Sacred Language which was spoken by Original people, this was no surprise to us as we had heard and fully accepted such claims much earlier. Auntie Beve is a Darkinoong Elder of undeniable pedigree. Fully initiated according to ancient Original protocol, Auntie Beve is the Keeper of the Women’s Dreaming Stories, and the person we always consult whenever on her country. A woman of impeccable standing, her word on Original Lore should never be challenged. As such, her public declaration over a year ago (see YouTube piece: Egyptians in Australia Part 2) that there is in the Kariong NSW region engraved writing that not only pre-dates any Egyptian script but was created by Original men and women, left us open to this truth well before reading Slater’s correspondence.
Although Slater had compiled a book (”Australia, the Land of Seven Elements”) which was devoted totally to explaining the grammar, inter-disciplinary merging of numbers, 38 hand signs, 21 body parts, 16 letters and numerous other components that underpin the Sacred Language, unfortunately, his ego and the war intervened. Earlier in his correspondence he explains his intention to publish his book, but only after convincing one troublesome critic. Considering he was espousing a theory that saw the Original people as the intellectual superiors of the ancient Egyptians and that they came in supplication seeking wisdom, when conventional wisdom was that Original people were the most primitive and backward peoples on the planet, it seems waiting until all mainstream academic objections and criticisms had ceased was a futile exercise. Moreover, once the whole complex was destroyed after months of conflict with Government officials, anthropologists, representatives from the Australian Museum, and what Slater bemoaned was a “sea of troubles,” he withdrew from the fray and said no more.
Despite the damage and antagonistic academic climate, Slater was adamant that this was the First language spoken, and it can’t be denied his translation and commentaries are quite thorough and well thought out. Until a critic actually examines his written explanations, knowing that he was elected as the leader amongst his peers throughout the country, as President of the Australian Archaeological and Education Research Society Slater’s assurances and research should be given the respect it deserves.
What is also a serious point of interest are two sites Slater refers to, which bear witness to other examples of Aboriginal writing. Being the highest authority on such matters, Slater was often called out by authorities to investigate new, and sometimes extremely old, discoveries. Conversant in ancient Original tongue and script, his investigations were brief and concise. “They had me out at Maroota beyond Windsor to a ceremonial ground which the anthropologists have been endeavouring to decipher for 25 years. It was deciphered in 25 minutes. The Manly Council asked me to give them a drawing and a translation of aboriginal (sic) writing found on the site of an old house … quite close to where Governor Arthur Phillip landed and found the blacks “Manly fellows.”
What needs to be appreciated is that two organising bodies sought out Slater’s expertise on the Original tongue, and that the Manly Council requested a copy of a “translation of aboriginal (sic) writing.” If acknowledged as a language, and seeking out Slater’s translation, it seems logical to assume he is indeed an expert of the ancient Original written language. If so, his claim that there is a Sacred Language, the first on this planet, must be given serious credence.
To begin with, for our team, the most challenging concept of all the elements that make up the first formalised communication entails the language of stone arrangements. Until I stood on the mound with an Original Elder conversant in the Sacred Language of rock angles and edges, I couldn’t fathom how this could actually work. Once we chose what we felt to be the original central point of the southern circle, the Elder placed the seven sided rock on the ground, supplying more meanings than any remembered, and my misgivings were resolved. What we can confirm was that, amongst the many meanings, the rock also pointed to the location where the northern circle was aligned, and that this Original man was telling a truth that was as old as humanity, and then some.
The fifth reason why we are so convinced Slater was right in identifying the Sacred Language and “the Mystic Track of Life”, as chronicled on the larger mound, is the most amazing and convincing. What was sent to us recently from a representative of the Elders concerned could only come about if they also knew of the first tongue. And that is it! At this moment too sensitive and private to be discussed, the reason we received this concrete proof was to set us on this path. The rest is a matter of faith. Under that banner, we ask the reader to trust us on this matter. What we have been given is the ultimate incentive to stand by Slater, but for now, it must remain under wraps.
Staring Into Space
In concluding the case on behalf of the Sacred Language we complete a circle that began with Auntie Beve. It is our belief that some of the hieroglyphs at Kariong and the Standing Stones 40 kilometres from Mullumbimby share the same narrative and inspiration. They are, we believe, essentially telling the same story in rock, but through different script. And this, of course, is the last step in our research; the translation and understanding what this ancient tabernacle was meant to say is nowhere near complete.
Knowing we will fall short no matter how this is approached, as a first step, the best we can do is to compare and contrast between the two narratives and continue our research once establishing four common themes.
Theme #1: “The Breath of God is the Divine Light of the Soul.” “The light of truth flows like a river of fire from God to the soul of man and woman united.” “The Grand Inspector of Workings.” “Enter and learn the truth of the Divine Light.” “The soul of man came from the Immortal Light to drink the water of life from God.” “Life comes in and life goes out in darkness to the light that holds it forever.”
Theme #2: “From darkness to Light.” “Clouds across the sky.” “Darkness.” “Man … was not given power to endow man a soul.”
Theme #3: “Life was brought in a bag.” “God came in with Light from Darkness and gave man a soul and the sons of man brought in with Light became the Pillars of Heaven.” “He who came from on high brought life into the world.”
Theme #4: “The Divine Light emanating from the Rod which tells of a fire that brought life from afar point east to west.” “Guided by truth man came to Earth through darkness from the Light of Life that shines far off.” “Truth brought out on wings to Earth from God to man.” “The Divine Light of God gives the soul and fire which brought life from afar.” “The truth brought in from the fire which brings life from afar.” “Man came to Earth as man with all his senses (seven of them) and was established in truth.” “The fire that brings life from afar comes through darkness of the clouds which conceal within the Divine light directed by God for man to hold.”
The only comment I would like to offer relates to the last and largest section. There are seven declarations littered with phrases such as “came to Earth”, “life from afar”, “comes through darkness” (quite possibly space), “wings to Earth”, ”shines far off”, coming “to Earth with all his senses” etc. Beside staring into space, we can’t see where else this passage could lead us.
Admittedly we have taken license in our extra-terrestrial interpretation, and having never ascended upwards any further than a domestic jet is able, my expertise in space travel is non-existent. But there are others who flew much further and knew much more, and it seems fitting to conclude this examination with their observations:
“There’s a government inside the government and I don’t control it.” – President Bill Clinton as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon in reply to the question of why he wasn’t doing anything about UFO disclosure.
“We all know UFOs are real, all we need to ask is where are they from.” – Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
References: Frederic Slator, 1939. Personal Correspondence, to (Name Withheld)
Can you tell me anything more about the bag from theme 3?
Theme #3: “Life was brought in a bag.”
Please! Can a copy of Slater’s work be made available.
I cannot find it anywhere.
There’s something that bothers me about the idea of paleocontact being the origins of so many of these ancient mythologies. We go to all this effort to uncover the “truth” of paleocontact. But if paleocontact is true, the next question is, “How much of what ‘they’ told our ancestors is really ‘true’?”
All this work to dig truth out from beneath a mountain of lies, only to reveal the possibility that the truth we uncovered is just another mountain of lies.
NASA is a front for the real space program, the Rockefeller black ops program, that goes to the moon and Mars all the time. We have colonies there.
My friend Millennium fathered the U.S Space Program legislation, then dropped out when he found out it was a front for a black ops program.
Here’s a window into what’s been going on since then. Start halfway down at this text:
“I’ve never had the personality of Coyote — multi- or even omni-totemic, yes but ‘irreligious’, theatrical, uncaring, no. In my youthful aerospace/lobbyist days I was labeled a ‘true believer’ by the legislators, and a ‘loose cannon’ (with the same meaning) by the aerospace bigwigs. I was honest, and expected honesty from all those I considered my peers, friends, colleagues, mentors. Today I am still the same, though as to “expecting honesty” from others in all my very various professions, I guess I can only say that I no longer have any peers, friends, colleagues or mentors (amongst the fields relating to aero/space, astro/physics …)
“For those who have followed me and my expositions these last two decades, I don’t need to go into all the times I have picked up pen and pad, and done the research, and done the numbers, and found that the most fundamental scientific concepts of my life (my indoctrinations) have turned out to be wholly — vastly, shatteringly — bogus, fraudulent, deceits. Viz. Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Cosmic Expansion, Black Holes, Particle Physics, NASA and the Space Program, etc. etc. from my most salient researches and publications (“The Undiscovered Physics”, the “SpacePlane Equation”, “Divine Creation”, “Covert California”, “Sirius Parallax Shift” …) . . .”
“. . . the real black budget includes money acquired by intelligence groups via narcotics trafficking, predatory lending, and various kinds of other financial fraud.”
And here’s my science blog on our hollow spacecraft moon.