Response to article: “Aborigines linked to first African nomads”

This following post is a response to recent article:

First up, on behalf of the Elders I speak for, thanks for the excellent coverage. Fascinating timing-talking about the Aboriginal people as the first explorers is very encouraging, and fits in with the many sites we are sharing. And equally, after decades of hearing that the Aboriginal people were the last race, at least now they have moved up the ladder to second place. A great step forward, but there are more rungs ahead.

There are two inherent problems with their explanation. I’ve seen diagrams of their proposed route-out of Africa through Asia down to Indonesia then onto a boat. They claim it was a rapid pathway, but if so, how does that fit in with an article SMH did earlier in year detailing the genetic link to India. Dr Rao, working for the Indian Government, sampled nearly a thousand people from 26 tribal groups centred around the south of India, and found 7 people with “unique Australian Aboriginal mitochondrial signatures,” and thus proposed Africans made their way from their home-base, streamed down India and set sail to Australia. That’s a journey of thousands of kilometres into a huge expanse of blue, something Tamil boat people of today would never undertake even when aware there was a place to sail to.

When talking about Africans streaming out of Africa 70-75,000 years ago, why is it the eruption at Mount Toba is never mentioned in this scenario? According to Josephine Flood, so massive was the eruption and resulting ash cloud/deposit, the world population was dramatically reduced to between “2-10,000 people.” The eruption took place 74-72,000 years ago and the ash travelled in every direction bar south, which means Australia was ash free. Flood claims a small group in the very south of Africa and northern extremes of Europe escaped the carnage. If so, with a population base of between 1-5,000 people in each location, how is it within a couple of thousand of years, the African mob bred like rabbits and left Africa? Wouldn’t they first rebuild and re-establish their tribal estates, then slowly increase numbers and land under their control? Secondly with the whole of Asia decimated, why is it, they chose to ignore thousands of kilometres of unpopulated lands, race through Asia intent on reaching the southern extremes of Asia then set sail to a place they couldn’t be sure was even there? Neither option is logical, and in contradiction with human nature.

Surely no-one is claiming the Africans sailed from both India and Indonesia to reach Australia, but if relying on the SMH for info, it would seem so. Moreover after such a dramatic eruption, at nearly exactly the same time Africans are proposed to depart Africa, if we are correct in claiming Aboriginals are separate from Africans, this would be an ideal time for Australian Aboriginals to set sail to other places? That would explain the huge array of Aboriginal bones in America, with dates of occupation running into 6 figures, the physical similarities to the full-descent Ainu, the fact that the oldest Homo sapien found in Asia (Parak Man) exhibits “Australian Aboriginal” morphology, the genetic connection to India, and lots more. Equally, with sound geological dates of over 200,000 years associated with human activity in America, were these people in the south of Africa actually Africans or, as it now seems possible In America, Aboriginal mariners who had settled in Africa, America, Japan, India etc?

In closing I’d like to quote from the scientific paper that proposed the notion of Eve, and Africa, as the birthplace of modern man. Professors Wilson and Cann stated that the mother of all modern humans “probably” came from Africa, never definitely. As you know genealogy can never give absolutes when discussing geography. I really do believe all these inconsistencies are the result of a lack of consultation with the legitimate custodians of Aboriginal lore and history. A quote by an Aboriginal Elder selected to be placed on the first edition of the highly respected book, Voices of the First Day, sums up where they, and we, are coming from: “They say we have been here for 60,000 years, but it is much longer. We have been here since the time before time began … We have lived and kept the earth as it was on the First Day. All other peoples of the world come from us.” Maybe, as radical and left-field as this quote is, it’s time to start listening to the spokespeople of the original people of this land. It hasn’t happened yet.


  1. Hello Steven
    A book written by Ion Idreiss (1964), ‘Our Stone Age Mystery’, mentions Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884);
    ‘In Our Living Stone Age Idreiss touches on the intricate marriage, relationship, and totemic laws and managed to find a correlation with Mendel’s Laws in the breeding of plant-life with that of the Australian Aboriginal understanding of human life. This viewpoint being the basis of their intricate ‘skin’ name relationships (p. 66)’.
    Idreiss synthesis with his own knowledge gathering and eloquently places Australian Aboriginals as highly advanced human beings due to their own laws. These laws were taught in a story format, given to groomed trusted candidates. Each candidate were instructed to be accurate or else it could mean death. The strict passing of knowledge can be seen in the analogy of ‘driving a car from A to B’ (this could be explained further)
    In another chapter of the book, Idreiss (1964, p. 76) could not understand why the Australian Aboriginal did not harvest a seed. Yet he did mention the very ideal to maintain population in the natural law of living (p. 67).
    kind regards

    • Thanks very much that’s a fascinating parallel to skin moieties and an approach we haven’t considered. As for not harvesting a seed, strictly speaking that isn’t correct. The Burundji People harvested nardoo seeds for at least 15,000 years. They didn’t dig the soil, for that was forbidden, but they go back year after year and collected the naturally recurring crops. Kind Regards Steven and Evan.

  2. Thanks for this article and deep in my heart I feel that what is written about the Aboriginal people is true! Soon his-storry will come out 🙂


  3. Thanks for your book recommendations. will look out for them, we are always looking for new sources and materials. when we do our talks on most occasions we open for the first 20 minutes of mtDNA, Skull Morphology, Blood groupings, y chromosomes etc proving the Aboriginal people have no relationship to Africans and were the first race. I’ll take not on your observations of Law and Lore, I suppose our inclination to seek out historical truths makes us predisposed to choose Lore- but we will keep an eye on it. Thanks for input and involvement. Steven Strong.

  4. Thank you for this article. I am a descendant of the Central Arrernte people (Alice Springs area) and Kasmiri, Bulgarian, Afghani, Spanish Moors, Scottish, Welsh, Irish (the Blood descdancy I know) It seems there is a lot not been said by the First people’s of Australia. My Nanni (Grandmother) said, the person who claim to be the protector of Aboriginals, during the time of the stolen generations seem to understand or realise that Aboriginals versus Negroid people are very different, they realised that by taking the mixed blood children away there would be no issue of “throw backs” and why…
    …according to my Nanni, that’s because Aboriginals are of pure blood. It seems also that there is evidence of throw backs amongst Negroid and Anglo-Saxon people.
    Apart from this there are secret tribes in South America that claim to descend from Australian Original people, the evidence is demonstrated through similar iconic representation of body paint and “Dreaming” stories, this is not entirely explored by so-called experts of the field.
    There is a book written by David Unaipon, used an Anthropologist (William Ramsay Smith) as a Ghost writer back in the day when Aboriginals in this country were treated as ignoratos. The book titled “Aborigine- Myths and Legends” is an eye opener, one that is underestimated by title and hidden content. David Unaipon came from a people that strongly adhered to doing everything properley, no half hearted effort was tolerated. This was the main ingredients for the First People’s survival in this country, alongside “Understanding”.
    Please do not be offended when I correct use of the word “Lore”, in actual fact the word is “Law”. Aboriginal Law is the same as Universal Law. Legends/Myths is words to help disguise the truths and Univeral Law. The book by David Unaipon, although very condensed is just a basis, however read the Preface, there is hidden qualities that highlight an insight to the First People’s.
    There is a book called the Thiaoouba Prophecy by M.Desmarquet and another book, ‘The Freedom of Choice’, by Thomas J. Chalko. Both very intersting books. I certainly would not dismiss this books or the majority of its contents. I have had some amazing experiences that both these books have described in the best way they can. Some of what is said is questionable, but remembering intepretation by each person could be very different from another, in other words you can read between the lines. This article was posted by Richard Bell, a intelligent man that acts and aggravates those that should question their beliefs, therefore he should also be understood like the books mentioned, “Read between the lines”.
    Universal Law, do Unto Others, so much is said in “Ask and you will Receive” and the thought is the deed. I am not religious at any rate, however there are so many similarities connected to Universal Law. Also the documentry “I am” needs to be added to the list of explainations of The First People’s Univeral Law.
    kind regards
    Penca Rafiqi

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