Dec. 21st Uluru

The Original Prophecy Foretelling the Change of Everything

By Steven & Evan Strong

Uluru, December 21  ,,,, (Fill in the Gaps)
This has been an evolving process for us that began nearly three years ago.
Elders and Keepers of Lore have approached us with an almost identical word
for word description of soon to come days of complete transformation. Such
has been the number and consistency of narrative, if other Elders approach us
on unrelated archaeology or history that involves Old Way protocol and
knowledge, we always introduce the topic of the oncoming change to see how
they react and whether they know of this renaissance. If they do not, then the
radar is on and suspicion aroused. Fortunately, that has never happened,
because on each occasion when the subject was raised it became immediately
obvious that they were genuine and knowledgeable in such profound matters.
We first heard talk of this seminal transformation close to three years
ago. The sources vary, some are very close to those orchestrating these
ceremonies, with others there were degrees of separation, but what remained
constant was the general processes, location and outcomes. To begin with, we
were told that a Pleiadean spaceship carrying a special device was on its way to
Earth. Since that earlier description it has become obvious that this had
already happened, a long time before. From an Original perspective, time is
circular in nature and progression, so being off by close to a million years is not
an issue as it did happen, when, is such an insignificant part of this equation.
What doesn’t change, is that it was delivered by Pleiadeans, and the
‘machinery’ is ready and waiting.

The ”Magic Box”
This device, which the Elders refer to as a “Magic Box,” is beyond the
comprehension of mere mortals, but there is one drawback in this gift from
the stars. If unassisted by humans, it will do nothing beyond idle while awaiting
further instructions. Even if the magic box is opened by the device and the
‘switch’ is sung and turned on, the best it can independently do is get ready.
Aliens of good intentions are banned from directly influencing human affairs
leading up to what is referred to as the Event. They can hint, suggest and wave
a big white flag, but never initiate or supplement. This Magic Box will feed off
pure positive human energy. If there are indeed the minimum numbers still
present (which runs into six figures) and unaffected by pandemics, economic
chaos, warfare, terrorism and are totally focused on the positive, this box will
absorb that powerful reservoir of pure energy then amplify and distribute
throughout all the sacred sites, ley lines and Dreaming tracks on this the
The planet itself is aware of this oncoming acceleration where its
resonance will ascend. It is for that reason that the Schumann Resonance,
which measures the planets inner pulse, has been of recent times peaking and
receding like the tides of the ocean. It is readying humanity for this ceremony,
for once the final ritual is completed the Earth will begin to vibrate at a much
higher level, which will keep gradually ascending until reaching a continuous
peak well into three figures. However, if the current global fear and negativity
prevails and the number of people who are unaffected is too low, the box will
remain idling and soon after the Earth’s axis will tilt and the oceans will clean
the planet and virtually everything will be literally washed away. Either way,
the earth is rising and will be cleansed, it is just a matter for each soul of which
Now if the numbers are sufficient and energy flows, the Elders have
told us that the Earth will literally split into two ‘pulses.’ One being close to 200
on the Schuman chart while the other will remain at the present base level of
about 8. Each soul will automatically gravitate towards the frequency that
reflects their current stage of spiritual development. Those obsessed by greed,
gossip, power, backbiting and turmoil will be drawn to the lower vibration
while those seeking wisdom, introspection and Old Ways will be drawn to the
higher resonance. Such a bi-vibrational construct is an imbalanced physical
equation, as you cannot have two realities co-existing on the same material
plane. It will take more than months, possibly even a few years, before the
dividing line is completed when the lower base, to which many will be called,

will fade away and finally vanish. And so too will its entire esoteric cargo leave
this planet. We are inclined to believe that this separation is not meant as
either a judgment or penalty, as the souls who do not straddle the hurdle will
still incarnate, but not here as the higher ascended frequency would literally
kill any less developed soul. So, it is back to Kindergarten elsewhere for a lot of
the present-day inhabitants of this planet, and on to Earth University for those
who made the grade. (* Since hearing this explanation of where these souls go
next, another less appealing destination has been presented to us, which will
be expanded upon in another article further down the line.)
And when will the final examination for each soul take place? The
actual day and date, down to the exact second, we first heard of when Original
Victorian Elder, Brendan Murray rang me, and I remember stating at the time
of first disclosure I was very hesitant to vouch for such precision in timing.
Time means nothing on the other side of the curtain, it is a mortal
construction, and too many self-proclaimed prophets have staked their
authenticity on a number and date, and we are still here none the better.
Despite these justifiable reasons not to declare any date, because of events
and information given that cannot be fully revealed at present, we are now
99.999% convinced that on December 21, at Uluru, the box will be
opened and switch turned on.

Do not Come to Uluru on That Day, Everywhere Else is Perfect
This is not a polite request, but close to a frustrated ultimatum issued by
Original Keepers of lore and Elders directly and indirectly involved in the
ceremony, and there are no equivocations or exceptions in this as it is
extremely secret business. Initially, as first talk of concerns and discontent
about outsiders came out, the talk of ‘hippies,’ and ‘New Agers’ being a
problem did at first glance seem to have whiff of reverse racism. We remained
a touch troubled until clarification, where it was made clear that it was the talk
of hundreds of people stating they were coming that would primarily fit these
stereotypes. It wasn’t that people who may be regarded as hippy-like are
unwanted, far from it as it was always such people who will make up the
majority meditating and without them the ceremony is doomed.
What the local Original people all fear is people camping in the scrub
with no camping facilities, no water for nearly two hundred kilometres, no
electricity, tree for shade or toilets, and no access to the gated resorts that do
have all essential supplies, if thousands are doing this, something could go
Now that is where it gets tricky, because many of rangers protecting the
rock at Uluru are Elders, and some are involved in this final ceremony and all
the compulsory lead up rituals. How is that going to happen if they are
constantly called out? It is a needles distraction on tribal Originals entrusted
with a ceremony that could literally save the entire human race, and set the
Cosmos on a new ascended path. That is pressure enough, so please, I know

people stating and considering are well-intentioned, but in doing so the
offence caused, and unease created is serious and unnecessary.
The returning point and geographical location is that anywhere on the
ground, skin to earth at 7:32 pm Uluru time is the perfect location. Whether
Bondi Beach, the Kimberleys, Ramindjeri Tribal estates or a park is just as good
as having both hands on the rock face of Uluru. In fact and protocol, it is one
hundred times better. Give the Old Ones space and make sure your soul
energy is clean and fearless and then become of their space and a Black-fella,
White Fella (Wirritjin) future.

“Have you Considered the Possibility Nothing Happens…”
We have heard that pessimistic comment that is a more a reflection of the
inclinations and inner demons of the questioner than attempt to absorb what
could be on offer. There is no answer and that never varies. As we have made
clear we have no direct response, many interlocutors of undeniable
connections and affirmations by others of one degree of separation, but
absolutely zilch on the face-face front. So, all of this predicated on a sizeable
dose of trust, and to be honest and an almost equal input of sheer desperation
for my sons and my one grandson.

I see it this way, out there, outside my windows and front gate, nothing
good is happening fear is in the wind and on the screens. In Australia our
current national daily COVID score is nought for over a week. Nonetheless, I
walked past the TV screen when the national news was on, but thankfully
muted. I thought I was shielded the vocals of doom and woe but forgot about
the visual deluge of worrisome propaganda. There beneath the newsreader
was the ticker-tape promo of upcoming stories, and the next five all carry
alarming headlines on the same medical nightmare, COVID!!!
We are living in dread and a lot of it is manufactured, so why not pin our
hopes on this happening? How can the reality of millions of people all
consciously creating pure positive thoughts steeped in the love of god and the
planet be a bad thing? Isn’t the Earth reeking in negativity, poison, extinction
and chaos, and if so, what could a tsunami of pure energy saturating the entire
planet do in balancing and healing this disease? Nothing, a bit or everything
are the answers, that mathematics creates a 33% chance of Heaven-on-Earth,
33% chance of better than the rubbish we have now and 33% chance it fails
completely. With those odds on offer, isn’t it worth cleaning up and
transforming your soul and intentions and sending a package of pure energy
Uluru way on that day?
It could be, and it can only remain a could as we have not one shred of
absolute empirical proof to go further in discounting the 0.00001% chance the
ceremony still fails if all in the pre-requisites are ticked off, the resonance will
begin to split into two and two paths slowly form and divide. If the numbers
are enough, the rituals and devices effective, the world could be saved, and
that chance, be it remote or likely is surely enough of an incentive to pause,
reflect, recharge and redirect globally.
Let me close this preview of historical magical times that may come to
pass, with a pragmatic reminder in relation to contact between yourself and
the Mother. Bare feet in a chair if sitting without one for an extended time
causes discomfort is totally fine, so too keeping an umbrella if it rains. If in
Australia, face the Rock, if elsewhere face a sacred place/ley line as it too
needs human cleansing energy to assist in receiving the full flow of this global
deluge of Pleiadean crystal energy.
But, if nothing happens, and we flood the world with love, then let’s see
where that leads us, and maybe that of itself is such a pleasant experience,
others may wish to repeat it. So, it becomes a win/win proposition and on top

of that, costs nothing and will calm you down, make your heart relax, and feed
your soul. It seems like a good idea, either way! And remember this, results
count for little, it is all about doing what is right, and this ceremony is totally
right. So why not join us?


  1. Even though this event has already occurred on 21/12/20, I ask permission to share so that the flow of loving energy to Mother Earth may continue unabated/enhanced.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • I just Love to know there are many lights turned on….
      There’s not enuff darkness in the whole world to put out the light of one small candle.
      I keep my light on, no matter where I go, on or off this planet💕
      Love, Light & Enthusiasm,
      what u catch a butterfly with…
      pms… we might not have it all together,
      but together we have it all🙏🏾
      Love to u & all connected 😊

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  2. My daughter and I sat out this morning on the ground. We didn’t know what to do so we just imagined our energy merging with your group. It was beautiful outside so early in the morning. I hope you give up dates on what happened. This might be of interest, I told myself to wake up, and at 4:30 I had a dream. A BigFoot was looking down on me from a mountain and I was hiding, not because I was afraid, but then my mother(dream mother only not my real one) was waving to me to come, and showed me a path up the mountain, and my father(dream father only) was behind me helping me up the snowy pass. And I woke up and new I had to get going for the meditation.

  3. I tuned in and did my bit for raising the consciousness. At the end I saw a flood of light coming in. Can you update us after the event?

  4. Meditating at the moment of Solstice, this is the vision I witnessed:

    Coming into the meditation, I saw so many lightworkers active – meditating, taking part in this activation from all over the world. A dense network of shining lights, all over our Earth! It took me a while to ride out this first wave of joy and awe.

    I then shifted my attention to our ‘work at hand’; to establish a Rainbow bridge between the Sun and the Heart of Gaia with our attention and intent. As soon as I focused on this ‘task’ I realized I had been invited in just to witness, to see this wonderful phenomenon take place. And arch of Rainbow Light extended from the Sun to the Heart of Gaia, flooding this loving, joyful, high frequency energy into Gaia – flooding, for it was filling a cavity, a hollow space that had fallen out of order, re-activating its self-charging core.

    It took a while for the space to fill with Rainbow light. When it was done, the Rainbow bridge connection remained in place, as an active ‘humming’ connection but not pouring in anymore, just being there, alive. The energy grid of Gaia lit up…

    Read the full article here:

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  5. Thank you for this important information! My husband and I will be participating this evening and look forforward to being with everyone in spirit and prayer. God bless you all.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  6. Hello from Canada. Thank you so much for all your work holding this ceremony. I would like to ask for permission to share this information, but more specifically I’d like to participate from the distance with pure intention and love for our mother earth. I’ll be cleansing and meditating around the time of the ceremony in a nearby forest. It’s time for our mother to flourish again!

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  7. Dear Elders,
    First of all I am asking permission to share this post, to support you in your intentions.
    Also I have been called to create a mandala for this ceremony. I have done so, How could I share this with you? Could I have your email, please?

    Many blessings,

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  8. SatNam, Bless you and thank you for providing this teaching and information for us. Please may I share with friends who would like to join the ceremony.

    With Love,
    Veronica 🙏🏽💜

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  9. Dear Julia
    May I share this with people that have been caring for Mother Earth and the inner terrains for many years?
    Much love Annette

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  10. Thank you for your wholesome efforts. I confess i shared with two people (both of whom i feel are benevolent), i hope is ok.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  11. We are requesting the permission to share the information about the Uluru ceremony with our friends in the US and Europe and New Zealand. Thank you!
    Freeman and Stephanie, Boulder, Colorado

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  12. I know this is a bit late in the piece but I was with a group of friends last night who expressed a sincere interest in learning more about the Uluru activation tomorrow night. I humbly ask for permission to share this information with them. With much love and many thanks.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  13. I have been drawn to this at this late stage, and while I feel unworthy and ill-prepared, I wish to participate as best I can. May I please have permission to share this with others? Thank you.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  14. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I have dreamed of the bi-furcation of mother earth over the past 3 decades. I apologise for already sharing this article before reading your request at the bottom. I humbly request that I may share with those who would join in.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  15. I request permission to share this information with my family of light in Amsterdam in preparation of our coming together in sacred devotion to Mother earth and all her children.
    Connected in the HeartSpace, I Thank you!


    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  16. I would love to share the link to your group with the people within our little online community.

    In the spirit of walking in honesty, love and truth, I ask for permission to do so.

    We look forward to contributing towards the construction of the rainbow (serpent) bridge.

    Peace, love and light to all.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  17. Hello… Thankyou for sharing this with us.

    I apologise that I shared it when I first read the line that said share far and wide… and then later read the line that said to request permission.

    I am asking now if its Ok to share. I feel it is really important and I would like to ask permission to do a facebook live with a link to the page above that awakens people to the event.

    Immense gratitude to you and those who are doing the ceremonies and to our Mother, the Earth

    Best wishes


    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  18. Thanks for sharing this information. Would love your permission to share with the people who receive my daily Messages from the Heart. Thank you.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  19. I was to be with you all at CCC but sadly Northern Beaches a hot spot for the Corona ! so not making it to Uluru will be Facing Lion island Kariong Glyphs Which is in my sight from Snapperman Beach Palm Beach ,Than to Uluru love to share This info Merci Vikki

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  20. Thank you for this guidance! I have been waiting for this time. May I share your information with my friends and family. Thank you! 💕

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  21. Hello and thank you for all of your work. I will be part of a ceremony in SE Qld. May I have permission to share with family and friends who will not be able to join us on the night? Many blessings.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  22. I respectful request permission to share and contribute by performing ceremony for Mother Earth from our property in Buxton victoria with the river steavenson running in the background and a circle facing north west towards Uluru … and question … can the fire be inside the circle?

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  23. I will be sending my love and focussed intention to Mother Earth and Uluru at this time in support of the ceremony
    May I please share this with my family and friends?

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  24. Thank you for all that you are contributing to. I really feel resonance with the importance of this time. Please may I share with like-minded friends?

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  25. Please may I share this information with some dear souls I know have the same pure and clear intentions, raising the collective awareness and focus on 21/12/2020. Thank you

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  26. Hello again and thank you for the manner in which you choose to present and share this powerful message and knowledge. I tried to request permission to share last night, but I’m not sure if the request was received? I do not see my post, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself in the back end of your account.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  27. I just heard about this. Thank you for sharing. I will participate from Northern California, in the US. May I have your permission to shate share with friends and and family? And especially members of my intention group? Thank you for all you do and all you are. Many blessings, Lise

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  28. Thank you so much for this! I will be taking part from The Netherlands & would also like to ask permission to share this?

    Sending lots of love!

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  29. I apologise as I shared before seeking permission. I will be joining from Sydney, Australia. Either Bondi Beach or the Blue Mountains. Can someone please clarify the correct time and duration needed to be most effective.
    Also, apologies again and permission to share.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  30. Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom. I will be sending so much love to mumma earth. I would love to share this with some friends if that is okay?
    Blessings ~ Erin

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  31. I have enjoyed reading your research over the years and am very grateful to have had my eyes opened. I respectfully request permission to share and look forward to The Change of Everything. Blessings.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • hello Eve, I saw your post on 21.12.20 in Uluru. Such great event that will happen, I feel lucky about it. I want to ask you to give permission to share it. We are in Chile and will participate here, tahnks, greetings Christian

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

    • Apologies, I already shared it today 21st, with my light tribe, without realising i had too (did it before finishing the second article) I humbly request the permission now, also knowing you are probably there now with the Elders, thank you, much love from uk xxx

      • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  32. Sister, thanks for teaching the ways and respecting the protocol and our ancestors I respectfully request permission to share with a small group who will follow advice with our yule ceremony at a druid circle in North Wales, UK and join shared intent to focus on earth mother.
    Thank you all brothers and sisters for sharing your energy and intent _/\_

  33. Thank you for your instructions and information. May I please forward it to some friends, who will be joining with me on the Solstice?

  34. Please may I share. I feel strongly connected as I was told I was a Star Seed, not knowing anything about this I had to research it.

  35. Thank you for everything you are doing to raise awareness. So much gratitude to you both. May I please share? Much honouring for this transformational gateway. 🙏

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  36. Magical!! May I please share this special and important message? I wish for as many people to positively contribute to this as possible. <3

  37. Thank you for being here with us and share this knowledge, leading and guiding us to our highest point.
    Please permit to share this information to others to generate more positive energy for Mother Earth🙏

  38. My name is Dianne and I live in Adelaide. You guys are doing a really good job, its all happening and has been for a while now on many levels. Indigenous people and others have been peering into the dimensions for eons!!!! There are those who get it and there are those who do not. However, I respect where people are in their journey. I just want to say that I normally go to Uluru for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference every year. This year I have not felt the pull to go to the conference, I have felt I need to be here in Adelaide. I only felt a pull to want to see friends I had made previously at the conference. Before I went to the Conference last time, I had visions of Ngungkari women singing me to come. Waving me to come as they danced. It was when I was mowing my lawn on one occasion, of all the strangest times. Another when I was meditating and various other occasions. I had powerful visions related to Mutitjulu Waterhole when I arrived there. When I finally went out to the water hole I met one of the Nunkaurri’s and experienced visions of others hovering along the path talking to me telepathically. I have been dancing with the Ngungkari’s in my dreams, and being painted up. I am delighted. I remember it well. I am still in contact with them. For me, on this occasion, I will not be in Uluru. However, I will be holding a meditation group on the 21st Dec with a smoking ceremony. I have been in contact with the grid and Our Beautiful Mother Earth and building for the occasion, I know what to do.

    I wish you all waves of Love and Light

      • Hi 👋 Trust YOU are well.

        Please can I share with my familia based in the UK

        I honour your Beautiful 💖 Soul

        Bless you and your Ancestors

        In La’kesh Ala K’in

        Morgan 😊🙏💖🌟🕺🎶

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  39. I did send out this notice w/o permission; forgive me Elders for not honoring/ knowing the protocol. I ask for permission to do so and look forward to participating in Phoenix, AZ at the time of the Solstice. May all breathing beings be lifted, liberated and alight. Candy

  40. Reading the replies, there seems to be some confusion about the exact time of the ceremony. Here is a website that shows the precise time of the solstice at multiple locations around the world:
    As shown, the 21:02 time is the time of the solstice in Melbourne and Sydney. But the time of the solstice at Uluru would be the same as Darwin, 19:32. Either way, these are the actual times of the solstice in the two places, and therefore the time of the ceremony in each place. So, as long as it is the time of the solstice which is being referenced (?), the correct time of the ceremony for each location around the world is given by the table on the website. Presumably it is the solstice, because otherwise the time given would be unlikely to be two minutes after the hour.

  41. Hello! This is amazing thank you for letting us know how we can be of service. I want to lead a shamanic yoga class on the solstice with the intention of sending pure love to Mother Earth in support of this ceremony. The class will be free of charge & I would like permission to email this link to my yoga students so they can prepare & participate if they choose.

  42. Will be with you in spirit and highest intentions for successful completion of the Great Ngaltawaddi ceremony at 9:02 and request permission to share this information.

  43. “We have to stop with the idea of creating peace on earth and begin with
    creating peace with Mother Earth. We’ve tried the first alternative for
    thousands of years, but look where that has led us, now is the time of the
    Original Ways, the Native ways, after all … it is coming this way – that we all
    must make peace with Mother Earth – there is no more altering the native way.”
    Tiokasin Ghosthorse

    • True Road,


      Tunrap warneen,white haired lady.

      I can’t see how i can reply to this article,hence i’m posting here.

      Bless where we are at.

  44. Much gratitude for your courage in sharing your research and knowledge. For 40 years I have been seeking this knowledge from without. The rabbit holes were endless and truth rare. Finally went within for truth and ‘forgotten orgins’ arrives in my inbox. I feel I have connected and can now rest in positive vibs to assist in the the healing of the Mother. Please can I have permission to share your information.

  45. Thank you for sharing this important information. May I please ask your permission to share it with my community, thank you and blessings!

      • Thankyou. May I have permission to share? I kinda blew it. I have invited some people to sit in my backyard to focus our energy on Uluru at 9.02pm. Not one person said no. It appears that over 50 people are coming. I apologize for my arrogance. We are in Warwick qld

        • Hope you were able to participate but Unfortunately we couldn’t access our website from the 17th of Dec as we were at Uluru. We responding to 300 requests in a generic form as it would take days to answer everyone individually. We are recommend each person watch our response to what happened on YouTube: plus the first response showing comments and photos from around the world which will be up soon on this website. There will be more updates on further action soon, directed at Uluru coming up. Please this around. Thank You.

  46. Thank you for your important work. I would like to participate from Vancouver Canada and also to encourage others here to take part. May I have your permission to share this information please. Love and blessings to you.

  47. Steven, thanks for your last broadcast where you pour out your Heart once again, emphasising the uniqueness of the Ceremony; the finality of the opportunity presented to Humanity to join with our Mother and reignite the Fire within. As you say; if we don’t join in with The Song then Mother Earth will sadly ascend without, what should have been, Us, the ‘Pinnacle of Life.’

    Just a little correction in timing Steven; in Western Europe we are 9 1/2 hours BEHIND Uluru making the Ceremony 11.32am here in England and Western Europe. Iceland is in the same time zone as us. Daylight. Unfortunately we will have to wait 9 1/2 hours to see the setting Jupiter and Saturn- if it’s not foggy!! One thing you won’t have to contend with at Uluru!

    ‘And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves the morning and evening of the 21st.’ Steiner (adapted)

    • thank you – I hope to write soon with a connection and story to this place and these events. I apologize to all for climbing Uluru when I was there 30 years ago-I understand now. I give thanks for my experience there, and other dreams and experiences I have had as I believe they are tied to this event. I am in awe. If I may please share this information, it is most appreciated.

  48. deep gratitude, and thank you for holding this space here. i respectfully request permission to share, from parrderrama pungenna country.

  49. Greetings from Southern California, I am very new to this process, and still learning every day. I did not see the part where I needed to ask permission to share this with other people, I only was made aware of it when I heard your podcast yesterday, this does not excuse me from sharing without permission, I would still like to ask permission to share it with other people I think need to know about this event. I offer my deepest apologies for not doing this in the first place, and hope this makes amends by taking care of this now, thank you,lots of love

  50. How happy I am to have found you guys. The information you give is so positive, practical, and empowering. It will enable a group of us to take part, here in mid Wales, UK. Please may I have your permission to share it.

  51. Thanks for providing this information – I got excited and shared it with a couple of friends, am dropping in to the comments here to properly ask if I can share it. Love the global connections with everyone, love to you all.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  52. Hi Steve
    Hope to be up your way for the solstice – where will you guys be? Would love to catch up if possible – not sure what movements will be during the day but will certainly be near Wullumbin in evening and tuning in to the grid
    Hope to see you
    Fino xx

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message. Cheers.

  53. Hello from Bath in England, UK. Thank you for telling us about this.

    Please may I share this important information with others I know?

    Thank you

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message. Cheers.

  54. We too seek permission to share to everyone we can. May we please?

    Ps. We are so excited to be on Earth at this time and help assist our beautiful Mother in her ascension. <3

  55. Hello,

    Thanks for amazing work and for sharing information, may I share information with family, friends and kindred spirits please.

    Much love🌻

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message. Cheers.

  56. What a wonderful unified practice that needs to be heard and shared, I have known of this important period from 21 December-25 December and have been wondering what acatslly I can do to synchronise intentions with everyone and when it the right time and how, this is just what I needed to know xx Can I please share this to my contacts in messenger?
    Would it be okay to share on my Facebook wall? Or prefer just privately to certain contacts? Thanks and many blessings

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  57. We commend your diligent work in preparation for this great event for humanity and Mother Earth. As Pleiadean star seeds, we will join your group on Dec 20,2020, here in Southern California, for meditation at 2pm to send light and pure unconditional love for the completion of the connection of the Rainbow Serpent into the Rainbow Bridge between the Sun behind the Sun and Mother Earth. Since Spirit knows no difference in time and space (it is All Now) we intend our energy reach Uluru at the most optimum time to insure a most positive outcome.
    Remember, intention is everything.
    Love and blessings to all

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  58. So sorry, I shared before seeking permission. Much love light and excitement on my part . Just want to make sure I’m on
    N right track. So greaful to have found this post . Many thanks, from fremantle western Australia,

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  59. Good afternoon,
    I would love to share this info to my community of women who works with the Feminine energy all over the world. We send to Mother Earth healing energy in every full moon.
    I ask permission to share this post.
    Blessings from Tasmania💞🙏🏻🌹

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  60. I did not see that I needed to ask permission to share until I already had… – Sorry. May I share this information with friends who would understand?

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  61. My sincere apologies guys, I misread the article and should have addressed it to you instead. Many thanks for all you do

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  62. Dear Julia, My most formative years were spent living in Adelaide as a child of 12 in 1969, and my Father’s spirit chose to stay there. In many ways my heart stayed with him and I’ve always felt the pull to return. I’ve followed this news for over a year, so thank you for keeping us updated. I spend a lot of time in Glastonbury with certain (very old) earth/heaven centered spiritual groups who also believe in this Solstice being a pivotal moment for the Human/Animal kingdom. We carry out Meditations of Love and hope to reach 6,000 on that day. If I may share this information, I know it will reach many indigenous peoples and raise our numbers to help make this happen. In love, light and truth. Many Blessings. Philip

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  63. Could I please have permission to share with others. I bring nothing but a pure intention of healing for Mother Earth. We so need this to happen and now is our chance to join as one human race to access this power waiting for us.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  64. Hi,I am in NZ, South Island. I would like permission to share this information to my friends and family. I will be there in spirit.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

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  65. Thanks for speaking out Steven, thank you Evan and everyone involved.
    Am a long-time friend of Ruth’s. Just made a deposit into Uncle Lewis’ account so you can call him direct 🙂
    Will hold space and be with you in spirit for Dec 21. May all our ancestors be with us.

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  66. Many of us have been working toward this for a very long time. Thank you for bringing the very specific time and place to us and sharing the prophecy. To have this ceremony bringing us all together is a deep joy in my heart. I request your permission to share this site with others that have been doing this work and respect the elders and their dedication and life long service. Sending this with deep love to all.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

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  67. Firstly a huge thank you to you both (and the Original Elders) for all you do. I am so sorry to hear how some people have behaved. It seems that light workers everywhere are being severely challenged on a daily basis, perhaps to strengthen our resolve and commitment to Mother Earth and our love for her and each other. Like so many of us I will be at Uluru ‘in spirit’ on the 21st December at my special place on the Jurassic coast, U.K. My husband kindly worked out for me that 9.02 p.m. at Uluru would be 11.32 a.m. in the U.K? Could someone kindly confirm this for me?
    I have like-minded friends in mainland Greece and others scattered about (all with good intentions) may I share this information with them please?
    Please could you also send love and special thanks to Lea for her recent presentation. She spoke so eloquently and bravely and I totally understand about her bird. I am 68 years of age (and star seed) and appreciate how difficult this must have been for her.
    With all love, light, optimism, peace and unity. Gillian

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    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  68. Thank you so much, its great to have these instructions from Original Elders! And I’d like to share this information please

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  69. Asking permission to share, greatful to hear through word of mouth to lead me here to hear full knowledge of, stringing collective sharings over long spans of time, wanting to send through private message to friends and family to spread the word and collective love to Mother Earth – am about to go plant over 100 trees today in her soil and hearing all the creatures sing to the promising clouds above for the rains to join

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  70. My name is Margitta Wigren, Im from Sweden. For two weeks ago I’ve got a message and a vision about a ceremony on the Midwinter Solstice.
    The words who came to me was following:

    “Organize Sacred Fire ceremonies all over Sweden, at the cousts, around seas, mountains and Hills. You as people have to take statements and show your will to help Mother Earth to heal. Take your drums, songs and create s big ceremonial event at the same time. If you understand the importance to come together and be the rainbow bridges between Heaven and Earth, you will be assisted. We are the Pleiades.”
    We are now planning that, and my question is if we can cocreate with the ceremony at Uluru?
    With humble respect and love from Sweden.

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  71. Thank you for sharing The Teachings of The Elders. Can I please share this information with a Facebook community I am a part of?

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    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  72. Hi Julia, after reading through these comments, it has left me feeling more confused about the time. Would it be possible to clarify please? We are holding a circle near Melbourne & want to make sure we are sending the energy at the correct time. Is it 9:02 Darwin time? & therefor 10:32 Melbourne time? Thanks for your help 🙂

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    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  73. Can I please share this? Thank you so much for explaining this. I have been hearing a sort of “call from nature” for the past couple of years. I have been trying to dismiss these feelings of needing to be one with this beautiful planet, to live in balance with it & do what I can to save it from those who are killing our amazing home. BLESS YOU

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  74. This beautiful message resonates with me deeply and I am eternally grateful that I found it in time.
    May I share this message with my family and friends?
    Love & Light, WandererInOz

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  75. Hi Julia,
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I’d love to be part of the remote meditation and perhaps with a group as part of the wider collective too. Is there permission to contribute and share?
    Thank you so much <3

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  76. I most humbly seek permission from those granted to give it to share this information with my friend who cares very much about healing our planet and ways. Am I able to do so?

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

    • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  77. I feel truly blesssed to have stumbled upon this information and honoured to be a part, in my own small way, of such a monumentous moment. I honour your work and the guardianship of first nations people upon this sacred land and ask permission to share with kindred spirits.

  78. Hello, please can I ask permission to share this information. I will hold a circle at my home in Turkey and stream online to friends and community far and wide.
    I was at Kariyong earlier this year with a soul sister. This light action has called us through dreams and insights since we visited the area. Light ahead 🌈 to the rainbow bridge

  79. I intend to be present at the ‘Menir da Cabeça do Rochedo’ in Portugal for the ceremony. With regards to Steven’s last video on YT (26th Nov), he mentioned that a stone had been found under power lines and it was ‘sick’, at the Menir da Cabeça do Rochedo they have strung power lines overhead (also the authorities have ‘desecrated’ the site by removing 8 stones for ‘preservation’). Do you think it wise to attend this site for the ceremony?

  80. K’we (Greetings)
    I greet you from the land of the Wabanaki People here in Mik’Maqi land of the M’ikMaw…Nova Scotia Canada.
    We are the People of the Dawn or People of the First Light.
    It is a great blessing to have received information about this Sacred Ceremony.

    There is so much to share but for now, I ask permission to share this important information with others of kind heart.

    EarthKeeper Nukumi Selina
    White Buffalo Star Woman
    EarthWalker of the Ancients

  81. K’we (Greetings)
    I am reaching out to you from Nova Scotia Canada.
    We are the Wabanaki People…..The People of the First Light or People of the Dawn
    I ask if I may share this important message with great respect and anticipation to participate.
    There is so much to share but I will say this much for now.

    EarthKeeper Nukumi Selina Mu
    White Buffalo Star Woman

  82. May I please have permission to share this information with friends and family?
    I will be there with you all in heart, mind, breath and Spirit.

  83. Hi there 🙂
    I am a meditation teacher in Canada and the faith-keeper for my tribe. I am also a called translator for the Lemurians and have been busy doing this work in preparation for this moment for many years. I was so pleased to come across this and your heart-felt words. As we are already having a large gathering (online now), for Solstice, I was hoping for your permission to use part or all of your story to share (with credit, and humility), your story. Thank you 🙂

  84. This is beautiful, I would like to share it with several people please? I’m very excited to be a part of this amazing transformation!

    • Good evening, if possible I would like to have permission to share with my world … Thank you in advance and GRATITUDE <3 (Just Used Google Translate your Message) Please share around, thank You (S'il vous plaît partager, merci)

  85. Dear sisters and brothers,
    Wirrunga Dungirr shared Aboriginal dances and with his permision i shared the Dances and Didgeridoo. In 2000 (night of no-time) i offered Meeting Dance and Rainbow Serpant, danced to the fire place, suddenly i had to stop, in still standing whole night. People went to their tents, rain came. Fire man took care of Fire whole night.
    Recieving this message about Soltice i am gratefull. Respectfully i offer for ceremonie Eagle Dance, Meeting Dance, Rainbow Serpent or with playing Heart-Handdrums (blessed by Carl Big Heart), Clapsticks, Didgeridoo. Even for guiding in Meditation (initiated by Swami Veda Bharati Himalyan Tradition) my work for 30 years. Long ago Elder Bill Harney told me to come back to teach it. With LightLove to all

  86. Dear sisters and brothers,
    Wirrunga Dungirr shared Aboriginal dances and with his permision i shared the Dances and Didgeridoo. In 2000 (night of no-time) i offered Meeting Dance and Rainbow Serpant, danced to the fire place, suddenly i had to stop, in still standing whole night. People went to their tents, rain came. Fire man took care of Fire whole night.
    Recieving this message about Soltice i am gratefull. Respectfully i offer for ceremonie Eagle Dance, Meeting Dance, Rainbow Serpent or with playing Heart-Handdrums (blessed by Carl Big Heart), Clapsticks, Didgeridoo. Even for guiding in Meditation (initiated by Swami Veda Bharati Himalyan Tradition) my work for 30 years. Long ago Elder Bill Harney told me to come back to teach it.

  87. I recently heard of this global focus on Transforming the Rainbow Serpent to the Rainbow Bridge between the Sun and the Earth from Suzanne Hogan. She sent the information to me since I shared with her a prophetic dream I had in 1982 about Uluru and seven layers of Immortals, or wise ones embodied in the rock monolith. Just this year, I have felt compelled to contemplate this dream and have composed a poem about my experience and to understand a deeper message of it. If anyone would like to read it, here it is:
    Jutting red round mound stands alone.
    Towering sculpted sandstone mountain in the center of Australia
    Hub of a whole continent
    Center of Creation, an epicenter of a whole continent.
    Core of solidified energy jutting up into the mouth of the sky.
    Liquid movement encrusted in time,
    Sandstone caverns of fossilized layers
    An immortal fountain amidst desert perceived wasteland of Australia,
    holds the essence and regeneration of life.
    An Immortal Sacred Mound Natives call Uluru.
    Reach out, touch the rough red rock, much coarser and dull close-up.
    A faint scent of sage mixed with dung fills my mind.
    Press my body next to the grooved waves on windblown erosion.
    Feelings of loss dissolve, Beauty fills me as I touch this sandstone shelf of red
    earth, sculpted for centuries by nature’s palette of elements.
    Sun sparkles into flecks of glistening gold, gone in an instant when it begins to
    Sense a deep rich life deep inside, what feels as real as the earth and sky.
    See past the Solid Rock Monument into the Beings within,
    Step inside a cavern within the monolith, deep silence permeates through me
    Heart of Indigenous Aborigines, Masters of Dream Time.
    Catacomb layers of perception draw me in.
    Seven layers are unearthed, inner chambers where Immortals reside.
    Evolved Yogis, sitting in meditative states on various layers of the cave.
    My inner guide, an aspect of myself reveals to me an old sage in a loin cloth on the first level of an inner chamber, as ancient or older than the pyramids.
    Moving up through these levels, each harbors an immortal saint who has something to convey or teach, something to expand my experience or knowing.
    Seven dimensions, each dimension heals a deep cellular connective tissue of Humanity’s Soul.
    Intend to return to learn more, especially when I am alone and can focus.
    Message of the Dream for me is to personify yogic posture of Tadasana;
    Standing pose, as a mountain, immovable, unshakable as solid as a rock with presence, embodied in my essence, speaking my truth.” Grace Rose Whitehorse

    I have also, when I first moved to Port Townsend, WA, participated in a Rainbow Bridge Group. We, with their great grandsons, Stanton and Todd Stevens met weekly to recite Meditation Mantrams based on channeled information in 1975 through Norman & Coleen Stevens.
    The book begins, “THE SUN…BLACK…ANTAHKARANA”
    ” The Aquariuan Age has a different objective. Earth itself must be changed and moved forward in its evolution so that a more suitable environment and opportunity can be provided for the evolution of kingdoms evolving on earth.”
    We practiced clearing and cleansing all seven of the rays on the body and central channel.”
    ***I trust I have permission to share this with the Rainbow Bridge people and others I intend to form a focus group in our back garden with a fire.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you,
    Grace Rose WhiteHorse

  88. I have rewritten the Stephen Stills song “four and twenty” from the original 1970 album Deja Vu of CSN&Y. The original is a very dark song of little hope and lost love.
    My words give a sense of love and hope. Enjoy. Sung to the original tune.

    “Three score and ten years ago I come into this life,
    Born of a loving mother and a man tryin to make it right,
    They were tired of bein worn,
    And they wern’t into workin twenty-four,
    But they worked like the devil to be more.

    A different kind of poverty now upsets my soul,
    Night after sleepless night I walk the floor and want to know,
    Where is mother nature can I bring her home,
    Have I driven her away is she gone?

    Morning brings the sun rise, I am risen from my bed,
    The night has left me empty,
    There’s vibrations in my head,
    I embrace the colours from the east,
    The sun’s rays warm my body and put my mind at ease,
    And I find myself just wishin, to live my life in love and peace”.

  89. Thankyou sooo much to share this moment in time!
    I would feel so good to share this with my dear friends who may also take this to heart and want to take action for the mother earth at this time if it is okay.?

  90. Thank you so much for this. I am planning on going to Mother Mountain – Mt Beerwah in Queensland to join in the energies. Can I have permission to share this knowledge with others, so that I may invite others to join please?

      • This is so wonderful…we are so Blessed to even know about this Sacred Ceremony, let alone to be invited to participate from wherever we are by The Elders. Please may I have permission to share with others who also Love the Mother and who are drawn to the Old Ways of Love and Care?

        • Apologies for the delay, but this ended up in spam folder, Thank you for observing Original Old Way Protocol, By all means share the message with anyone you wish, Cheers.

  91. Steven was interviewed by Karen Swain recently. Part of that talk revolved around a more detailed account of the Ceremony itself. There was new information. It clarified things that were not clear to me. Here are the points that he raised.

    1.The opening (or the high point of the Ceremony) is at 9.02pm Uluru time. Even though this corresponds exactly to the Solstice, the 9.02 time applies to SE Australia. Solstice at Uluru is 90 minutes earlier at 7.30 pm.

    2.The Intention of the Women’s Ceremony “is for the Rainbow Serpent to become the Rainbow Bridge, to rise up to connect with the light of the sun and go straight into the heart of Mother Earth.”

    3 To achieve this ‘The Magic Box’, consisting of ‘the most powerful crystals in the Cosmos’ will be ‘turned on’.

    4. The timing of The Ceremony was chosen to witness the two giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in an almost perfect conjunction (Seen by the naked eye as one). The Solstice Sun sets at 7,32pm and as the sky darkens Jupiter and Saturn will increase their brilliance until they both finally set at 9.38 in the WSW sky. If, therefore , a group had all, or a part of Uluru, in its sight as it faced WSW, it would witness the two giants fall ‘ into’ The Rock. Perhaps this will happen at 9.02 ( I surmise).

    5. Finally thinking of Original folklore, as you stand in the ENE facing the Planets in the WSW, at your back in the ENE The Pleiades rise in Taurus at 5.19pm. As darkness descends at 9.02 the constellation is clearly visible. The Pleiadians witnessing the Event through Original Eyes?

    • Hi.
      Very much want to help with this from U.K. our sunset is 16:17. Please could you let me know if this is the best time for us for maximum strength?! Do I have permission to forward these details please?

  92. I’ve been aware of this ceremony for some time but I needed to read this explanation of course it’s central Australian time as the t is where it it. Having travelled to Uluru 3 times I realised wha t a sacred place it is I will attend in spirit. I’ve tried the cleansing in winter as we have no gum leaved I tried water far too cold now the weather is warmer I’m using sea water much better. Life gets busy lately I’d been neglecting this ritual before meditation. I will bring this to the attention to my family and friends and share on FB and Mewepro.
    Thanks for bringing this to my attention once again

  93. Thankyou for the knowledge of the original prophecy.. I have been lucky enough to work as a Nurse in Alice and visit Uluru.. I have and will continue to respect our listen to the true custodies of Australian history and the stories of the original people, some 60,000 years.. I will continue to send love to Mumma Gaia and our greater cosmos, and unite with all of pure heart, through love, to carry us through our great awakening..
    May I please share this original prophecy..❤️

  94. Hello, thank you for bringing this to light.. the Prophesy coincides with a Vision I was given 20 years ago. This is our entrance to A New Earth, during a NDE I chose to return to the same time/space/body BECAUSE of this bifurcation of the Earth occurring. It may get tough but as we forgive our illusions based on the erroneous idea of death/separation greater Vision arises and this will cause us to CELEBRATE whatever comes. I was given A Course in Miracles as the catalyst, we’ve all given our own tools according to our own individual capacities in time and space, and great help is available for the asking.. I would love to share this post with your permission.
    Thank you!

  95. In the message above it says to seek permission before sharing this… who do we seek permission from? We are in South Australia on Ramindjeri country do we seek it from our local elders or from the lore keepers at Uluru?

  96. Hello beautiful people, I would like to share this article with some close friends.
    It asks to share but then asks to get permission first, so may I share this article?
    Much love, Antonia

  97. Hi I’m based in the UK and am preparing for the 21st with purity of heart and intent. Can you clarify timings for me pls..
    I know your Solstice is at 9.10pm and ours is at 10.02 GMT..,

    I’m sure you’ve had lots of people asking you and perhaps you’ve answered but I’m still not sure..

    Thank you

  98. Really want to get this right as I’m working towards ceremony with pure love and intent for mother earth. .have had amazing meditations working with grids and visualisation. based in UK and am confused about the timing for the 21st..I’m sure you’ve been asked this many times by others but can you clarify for me…

    • Hi Kerry,
      Also in U.K (Cornwall). Feel the same! Visited a stone circle today & will probably base there to connect Earth energies. x

    • See reply from me, David above. I am UK based also. latest information is the 9.02 time is NOT to coincide with the Solstice (at Uluru that happened 90 minutes earlier anyway), but to witness the almost precise conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn as they set in the Western sky.So the focus is on this event in the UK also; we can see the 2 planets, as long as it’s not cloudy!

    • A Verse For Our Time
      We must eradicate from the Soul
      All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.

      We must acquire serenity
      In all feelings and sensations about the future.

      We must look forward with absolute equanimity
      To everything that may come.

      And we must think only that whatever comes
      Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.

      It is part of what we must learn in this age,
      namely, to live out of pure trust,
      Without any security in existence.

      Trust in the ever present help
      Of the spiritual world.

      Truly, nothing else will do
      If our courage is not to fail us.

      And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
      Every morning and every evening.

      -Rudolf Steiner

  99. Brilliant… I have seen it ‘ignite’ from within!
    We, all of us are the magic catalyst .
    Speak your truth.. spread your light.. heal the world..
    Now is the time

  100. I will share this information to my group of nearly 5.000 people. I will also translate your instructions into Icelandic to make sure everyone understands properly. I’ve been to Uluru twice – it’s a magical place. Would love to be there on the 21st of December – but will be here in Iceland 🙂

  101. I am concerned around the confusion of the time. In the above article under the heading “meditation” it states – 9.02pm at the exact time of the Solstice. The exact time of the Solstice is not 9.02pm Darwin time! It is 9.02pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time! I am sorry but this has really been bugging me. I have a strong feeling that it should be at the actual solstice time not later which would be the case if it was 9.02pm Darwin time.

  102. I’m a bit upset that I can’t come to Uluru and see it happen in person. But i’m sure its going to be amazing either way!

  103. thank you kindly David, it’s a beautiful verse! …… my youngest daughter Shasta attended the Steiner school in Auckland ….. Steiner was a brilliant man ahead of his time! 🙂 xo

    • Hello, Thank you for this information… It will be an honor to be involved in helping with this ceremony both for Mother Earth but also because it will benefit mankind as well. What I am unsure about is that it says at the bottom of the Information that we must ask for permission to send out this email far & wide as requested but where do I go to get the permission to forward this via facebook. Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge as many will need to see & read the information so they also can play a part in this ceremony to assist Mother Earth in her Transition smoothly so that the Earth will not tilt killing all humans & animals that also inhabit Mother Earth… Sincere thanks, Deb PS As soon as I know where or how to get permission to share this I will then be sharing this message to everyone I know & ask them to do the same with their families & friends, etc…. The more people taking part in this ceremony the more powerful the outcome for all…

  104. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for your work – it is very much appreciated!
    This is a technical question – are we talking about 9pm EST?

    • Uluru is in ACST, Australian central standard time, which will be, on 21st December, 8hr 30 minutes ahead of UTC/GMT. GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST (USA). So at 9.02pm at Uluru 21.12.2020, EST will be 7.32am. Hope that helps.

        • Ruth, I checked and double checked and… got it wrong. Humble apologies.You are right. However…as RB (above)says the solstice at Uluru is 19.32. It’s 21.02 on the East Coast (Sydney etc.).ATM I don’t know why the event that focuses on Uluru and the Solstice should be conducting the Event 90 minutes after the Solstice. Additionally, in an interview with Karen Swain published on the 3rd November in Forgotten Origins, Steven said ( in my recollection) what is more important to the Ceremony than the Solstice is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn; the closest conjunction for 396 years. They will appear as one object to the naked eye and at Uluru on the 21st, in the WSW sky, will fall together finally setting at 21.38. Best seen at 8pm.I will ask Evan for a clarification. I feel the apparent ‘marriage’ of the two planets over the next 43 days would be a great meditational tool (seen in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres) that leads us to the ( arguably) Most Important Event in The History of The Earth. The Great Bringing Together. As Above So Below. Unification.

          • Hi David. Re the time. The reason the event time is ‘wrong’, is because people who live in the Eastern States of Australia often ‘forget’ that the rest of us aussies live in different time zones! I live in Perth, so I’ll have to calculate my local time if I want to attend, at the ‘right time’ 😉
            Thanks for this sharing this information; it’s the best and most complete explanation of this ‘event’ that I’ve read so far! 😀

      • Hi David
        You seem to contradict what you said earlier, which is that the time in NT is 7.32. And 9.02 on east coast states. Can you confirm please?

        • 9.02 at Uluru, 90 minutes after sunset. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be clearly seen in the darkening southwestern sky, setting as one at 9.42pm. The Ceremony’s emphasis is on this once in half a Millenium event.NOT the Solstice.

  105. Thank-you brother I will share this far and wide let’s get the numbers we need. So much love and respect for bringing this prophecy to me and I believe many many more before 21/12/2020 Aussies unite come home to Mother and be our truest selves.

  106. A Verse For Our Time
    We must eradicate from the Soul
    All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.

    We must acquire serenity
    In all feelings and sensations about the future.

    We must look forward with absolute equanimity
    To everything that may come.

    And we must think only that whatever comes
    Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.

    It is part of what we must learn in this age,
    namely, to live out of pure trust,
    Without any security in existence.

    Trust in the ever present help
    Of the spiritual world.

    Truly, nothing else will do
    If our courage is not to fail us.

    And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
    Every morning and every evening.

    -Rudolf Steiner

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