Circumnavigating the World in an Original Figure Eight
By Dr Derek Cunningham with Steven & Evan Strong
Before embarking upon our fifth paper reviewing the newly discovered Australian Ros engraved rock we feel obliged to first address a criticism levelled at us by some who have already voiced their disappointment. Normally we prefer to be bold in tendering opinions and conclusions before all the evidence is in, but on this occasion it was a task beyond our capacities and outside the reach of any other archaeology we have previously examined.
We began this particular journey quite literally ‘dancing in the dark,’ as there is no accredited expert, academic, course or textbook to consult. The reality was that our opening articles were more a plea for assistance than a report on the engraved rock. In that respect those articles have served their purpose, we have now been joined by five researchers, of which three have Ph.D’s in overlapping fields. But it doesn’t end there, photographs have now been sent to us of rocks that have previously lay hidden in private collections. These rocks from other continents show in some cases similarities in coloration and the style of engravings, and some of the owners have also now offered to send their prize artefacts in the hope that they will add more light and direction to our journey.
Despite our initial reluctance to declare with absolute certainty that the Ros’ stone contains evidence of a worldwide civilization, direct comparisons to other engravings and other archaeological sites has now made us confident enough to present some tentative opinions as to the geology (where the rock came from) and what the engravings mean.
When Dr. Derek Cunningham’s contribution towards understanding what was engraved on Ros’ rock first came our way, I was at a loss in deciding whether it was too good to be true or the final key in a search that began close to five years ago. It made no difference either way. Derek not only has consistently studied multiple artefacts around the world, he had also identified a specific non-linear shape (in fact the only circular pattern on the stone) as being another astronomical symbol. Impressing us deeply, the offered explanation links directly to a description provided years earlier to us by Ramindjeri spokesperson Karno Walker.
The oval shape on the stone it is argued to relate to a shape drawn by ancient Original navigators as they sailed around the globe – Dr Cunningham’s interpretation overlaps this argument by stating that the single oval is consistent with the oval being half of a very specific figure 8 that is drawn by many ancient cultures.
What Derek could never know was how pivotal any mention of a figure 8 is to all our research. It is, quite literally, our starting point, and without this number nothing would have eventuated. Before presenting any of Derek’s new work, we need to backtrack five years to the first time I heard talk of Original mariners circumnavigating the oceans of the world in a figure eight. Members of the Ramindjeri Tribe, in particular Karno Walker, were aware of the contents and theoretical base that underpinned our first three books. The seminal shortcoming of what we had written to that point was that we had so little on the ground archaeology of our own. To be honest we had a theoretical base that was lacking in rocks, artefacts and sites.
Once accepting their call, ceremony and receiving a banner from which to research (Wirritjin-Black-fella White-fella Dreaming), we have entered a transitional stage in our research. It has been literally ‘raining Original archaeology’ since my first introduction into Old Ways, so much so that we now have a backlog with a waiting list spanning back over a year.
And it was this talk of circumnavigating the globe that was the incentive to travel thousands of kilometres to meet the Ramindjeri, it is that same figure eight which set us on the path we now travel. It made so much sense, if indeed as Original Elders insist, that “all peoples of the world come from us,” then the Original people had to sail from Australia to an assortment of destinations throughout the world.
We have already discussed in some detail Original artefacts, genes and bones found in India, Malaysia, Japan, Siberia, Spain and throughout the American continent, which certainly adds weight to Karno’s belief ancient Original mariners sailed the oceans. However, the missing piece in this puzzle is an actual map marking out the sea-routes taken.
Derek has begun to fill in that gap. Consistent to the approach Richard and Judith champion, Derek has scrutinised the surface even more closely and is confident he has found that same figure-eight sea route Karno first alerted us to. Derek had already found a commonality of inclination and slope between Ros’ rock and for the first time has shown that many artefacts and prominent archaeological sites spread throughout the world are linked to the exact same ancient design – Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, the Atacama Giant, the geometrical symbols at Lascaux and Chauvet Caves all appear to show the same consistent archaic writing with a set of very specific astronomical values converted simply to an angular array.
What is less known is the non-circular shape of numerous stone circles found around the world, such as Longs Meg and Callanish Stone Circle appears to link to a very specific shape of the Milky Way, which is the shape the Milky Way takes when it is drawn onto a Mercator-based map of earth.
Here the discussion taken from Derek’s recent book The Long Journey (400,000 Years of Stone Age Science) shows that all the world’s major archaeological sites link to an ancient astronomical map. This map combines elements of the archaic writing style to a map of the stars that is expanded three-fold and redrawn back onto earth so that the stars start to take the shape of the Earth’s continents. In doing so the produced map not only explains the origin for multiple stones with similar linear patterns etched on them, the data also explains the location of the world’s most impressive ancient archaeological sites, it also explains the various myths and legends told by many ancient cultures, the most famous being the Greek myths surrounding the constellations.
Linking to the description of the figure 8 the Milky Way now plots a helical structure over Earth, with the cross-point marking the religious sites of the Himalayas. Within the UK the non-circular shape of stone circles in the UK matches the shape of one-half of the drawn Helix, with in one specific case the east west line dissecting the famous stone circle matching the direction drawn by the ecliptic on the star map.
With this prior data acting as a template Dr Cunningham thus overlayed the shape of the drawn Milky Way that was drawn four years prior to our first published data on Ros’ Stone. This template has been used previously with great success to analyse the layout of the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge Stone Circle, and Callanish Stone Circle. When the template is applied to the newly discovered Ros’ Stone, the result is overall a good match.
In the first part of the study of the egg-shaped pattern found etched on Ros’ stone an attempt was made to align it to the helical structure of the drawn Milky Way and to then compare the angles extracted from two very short lines found within the drawn pattern. Here it can be seen that the values drawn are consistent with the 6.511 draconic month period between eclipse semesters.
This is important in the context of this particular study, as this 6.511 degree value is the exact same value by which the Celestial Equator was offset in the drawn astronomical map 4 years ago.
In the next image, the stone at the same angle shown above places the shape of the drawn oval over the shape drawn by the Milky Way, the exact same drawing used previously to explain the significance of the locations of the various Himalayan religious centers.
There is insufficient space here to describe the entire background surrounding the drawn stellar map and how it links to ancient myths and legends. These results are discussed in substantial detail within Dr. Derek Cunningham’s book. The key point here, and in this is by far the most important result, is that a fixed theory that uses the exact same astronomical data each time once again is able to explain a discovered artefact that is etched with both linear lines and in this case a single egg-shaped image. In this case the proposed theory is unique in that it provides not only an explanation for the location for the stone, but also the same explanation that described the importance of the location where Ros’ stone was uncovered can also explain the markings found on the stone. Finally and perhaps of equal importance for this specific site, the analysis put forward here is based on an entirely new analysis of the structure of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
As stated in the prior two studies Ros’ Stone has three sides etched with linear lines. Within the astronomical theory the lines on archaic stones are drawn to represent – using angles – the astronomical values used by astronomers to predict eclipse events and to measure time. There are the circa 1 degree daily angular movement of Earth as it travels around the Sun 13.66/27.32 day sidereal month, the 9.3/18.6 year lunar cycle, the 6.511 draconic (nodal) month period between eclipses (this equals 6 synodic months), the 11 or 33 day difference between the lunar and solar years (as there exists an eleven da difference it is only after three years that astronomers are provided the first potential reset point), and the 5.1 degree angle of the moon’s orbit relative to earth’s ecliptic plane
As before the third side is found to match this theory
Image showing the analysis of the third side of the stone.
And for comparison here are the two other (re-published from our prior articles).
Image showing analysis of side 1 of Ros’ Stone.
Image showing side 2 of the stone.
Here the value 23.4 degrees equals a range of astronomical values for example the latitude of the tropics, the angle of earth’s tilt.
49 out of the 60 analysed lines (82%) align to the standard list, and 56 out of 60 (93%) align to angles previously seen on other archaic stones.
New Contributions
What needs to be factored into the confirmation of Karno’s claim is that we are working with another researcher who has been analysing ocean currents and historical accounts and even though his work is far from complete, he too has become familiar with the same figure eight configuration. Confident that the chances are very high that a least one, and more than likely two sides of the rock are claimed to be maps of the oceans or stars, finding the actual shape of the path taken is in keeping with the message on the rock we have interpreted so far.
Undeniably some critics who wilfully totally neglect to even begin a basic search of the now substantial body of evidence showing entirely consistent data see for example prior work undertaken on the Sacsayhuamán temple complex, and the geometric Lascaux paintings will still allege Dr. Derek Cunningham is mistaken and merely a maverick straying off on a tangent that has no substance. But if so, there are others more than willing to join in his research. Dr. Reinoud de Jonge has been researching all manner of evidence that contradicts so much of mainstream history and is equally convinced that there are maps with latitude and longitude highlighting important locations frequented by ancient Egyptians engraved into this rock. Dr. Reinoud has been researching many aspects of ancient history with a particular emphasis on ancient Egypt, and for all intents and purposes has independently come to the same conclusion: we are dealing with maps.
Dr. de Jonge was very specific and Pacific when analysing what he feels is a map on Side 1. “I believe the “horizontal lines” are latitude lines … from top to bottom, and the other lines provide important sailing routes (directions) in Melanesia. I see the SE sailing routes to the islands of New Caledonia (+33), to the New Hebrides (+9.3), and to the Fidzji Islands (27.32. 13.66, -18.6). Sydney is at the left hand side, again. An ancient, interesting artifact! At the far right side the sailing routes to the Samoa Islands are shown, as well as the routes to the Gilbert Islands and Ratak Islands above the equator.”
So there we have it, two academics and another at an earlier stage in his research, have all arrived at their interpretations from different perspectives yet share one common number (8) and continent.
Once again we must tender our apologies to those seeking certainty as this is still a work in progress. However this is clearly another step forward, but there are many more to take before we can cobble together a reasonable understanding. The next taken in our quest to determine the significance and messages engraved into this rock leads us back to another seemingly unresolved geological conundrum, of which there has been one fascinating development.
The Rock that “Does not Look Natural for the Place.”
In trying to establish the make and source of this rock we have previously canvassed and dismissed a wide variety of possible candidates and came up empty or less than convinced. From our perspective any lingering issues as to what and where the stone comes from no longer applied from the moment we first sighted Derek’s most recent offering. We alone have had the privilege of sighting and handling the engraved artefact. None of the other researchers have so far seen the stone, thus any provided information is best provided blind, and then only after the researcher has sent his theory the stone is tested. This was the approach used for Dr. Cunningham’s astronomical alignment test. Now Dr Cunningham has provided a possible solution to the source of the stone. Remnants from meteors typically are not brown, but it appears that if they are sufficiently old a chemical change will occur where the surface crust present on the meteor will brown with time. Shown below is an example of such a meteor remnant.
At this point Dr. Derek Cunningham states that the next step must now be to analyse the chemical composition of the surface to better determine the exact origin of this stone, and how it obtained its unusual coloration.
Professor X also agrees and has not ruled out that the rock is a naturally occurring stone modified deliberately by high temperature, a stone with an off-world origin, simply a natural stone modified naturally by high temperature or perhaps river chert. “I cannot say anything more about the Kariong rock other than I cannot identify it with any degree of certainty … however this rock “does not look natural for the place.” Of course nothing is absolute, and until either of these experts can personally inspect the rock, and that is about to happen, we will not make a final statement. Before that inspection everything is possible, all the way back to first nomination Professor X made, when suggesting the rock could be a very hard type of chert laying in a river-bed hardened by the abrasion and pressure of running water.
Upon Closer Inspection
Preliminary in nature and tentative in setting further direction we have made a few measurements, comparisons and tallies that may be of some assistance in making sense of this rock. We are certain that the percentage calculated and repeated is something of immense importance then and now, but at this stage all we can conclude is that the technology used in engraving is sophisticated and the script has mathematical symmetry, intention and will make a fascinating read, if only someone could find the ‘how to manual’ with instructions.
There may be a sizable degree of uncertainty ahead in our research, but at the rock-face some observations and measurements lead on to some rather interesting maths.
There are 10 pecks/dots, 44 engraved lines of varying width (Side 1, 23. Side 2, 7. Side 3, 15.), 54 points of intersections that create 74 shapes, which could in total constitute no less than 172 pieces of information. That tally doesn’t take into account many deliberate nuances which may include the length and variation in width of cut which is particularly evident on Side 1, the spacing of gaps between the connecting lines on Side 2, the placement and width of each peck/dot, and many contributing elements we are yet to find.
As for the complexity of information shared and the manner of presentation, our quest to unravel this cryptic load began with a percentage comparison between the surface area of Side 1 and Side 3, and we did the same again when comparing the number of lines on the same two sides.
Side 1 is larger than Side 3 and has a flat rectangular area that was engraved upon which measures 7.2 sq. cms. and has 23 lines, while Side 3 has an area of 4.69 sq. cms. and 15 lines. What is either an incredibly rare coincidence or evidence of a deliberate yet subtle arrangement at multiple levels, both comparison rates came out at 65%. The surface area of Side 3 is 65% that of Side 1, so too the number of engravings on Side 3 is 65% the quantity of those engraved on Side 1. To claim this is a random event, when dealing with archaeology that is so obviously a mystery, runs counter to everything else on the rock.
But there is more in synchronicity and on display, the three sides with engraved lines and pecks/dots exhibit an exactness of interplay in alignment and sequence in narrative that is quite sublime. The diagram we have compiled, even at first glance, supplies good reason as to why we have sequenced the rock-faces, simply because the engravings in Side 2 flows out of Side 1 and points towards Side 3. What is deceptive is that it is only when held in the hand can anyone appreciate the precision and strength of blade, and a precision in placement of each of the seven lines on the side that seems, at first glance, barely worth a second-look. All seven engraved lines are exact to the millimetre in connecting to another line on Side 1 or Side 3. Some lines link up to another line while others to intersection points, everything was done to a plan with immense skill using technology that breaks every …
Waiting for Original Guidance
The most compelling reason as to why we have not been forthcoming with our customary fervour in championing an opinion substantiated by archaeology and inference, is simply because we have no choice and are not at liberty to do so. We have never been hesitant in stepping forward irrespective of the ‘collateral damage,’ but it must be remembered we only stride forward into the breach once given Original guidance. That mandatory consent has not been given, and until Original Elders, Custodians or Spirits of the Old Ways have inspected this rock and any associated Lore, all we can do is assume and hope for the best.
Knowing that Original Custodians of Lore have the only direct link to the ancient history of this continent, we are still prepared to offer a provisional take on some of the proceedings we are investigating. In doing so we also reserve the right to add or subtract at our Original guide’s leisure after all meetings and inspections are completed.
For us the pivotal truth so far uncovered relates to the Original fact that the rock is extremely sacred, “very, very ancient” and was used in ceremonies. No less relevant, in fact probably more so, is the dominance in Original mythology and history of the off-world destination of the Pleiades. When factoring our knowledge that there are Elders who rightly make claim to be custodians of rocks that were not created on this planet, all of these accounts suggest that the reason that the technology is so advanced by any earth-bound standards is because it came from elsewhere in the cosmos.
Derek is confident that the markings on the rock are elements that constitute remnants of an ancient world civilisation. Both Derek and Raymond believe that the engravings on this rock represent the measurement of degrees, possibly latitude and longitude, and were used in earthly pursuits. Whether marking out the passage across the seas or skies is a difficult call to make at this stage, but one Evan and I are willing to make. Even before Derek spoke of detecting astronomical values on the rock we were of the opinion that this engraved narrative was as much about where these star beings came from in the distant past, as it was about who did it and what it means. Given further time and consideration our opinion may change, but as things stand at present we believe this rock exhibits a technology that cannot be part of mainstream traditional historical accounts involving any type of hominid, whether sapien or Neanderthal. That being the case it seems this is yet another example of an Original problem that has an Original solution, look into the skies for an answer and apply an ancient truth: ‘as on top so below.’
Our next article will be the culmination of the five that preceded and will include even more data that hopefully it will resolve any lingering doubts or questions. Now is the time to call upon the ultimate authority on all such matters. Once the proper Original Elders and Custodians pass the judgment upon the rock and all that is associated with it, we will finally have the whole truth and nothing but the Original truth.
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